Can Siberian Huskies and cats get along?

Siberian Husky and Cat look out window together

Are you wondering what it’s like for huskies with cats in the same household? Can huskies can cats can co-exist? Well, Gatsby was raised in a household with four cats. Before I got him, I made sure I did all the research to see if it would be a good idea to bring home a Siberian Husky. Building a relationship with huskies and cats is not easy and requires much time and patience. It’s a bit risky too. Let’s explore how I got my cats and Siberian Husky to get along. 

Husky and Cats

Siberian huskies have very high prey drives, and there’s a reason why

Back in time, huskies were often sent off to fend for themselves, which sometimes meant they had to kill prey. This hunting behavior learned over many hundreds of generations in harsh arctic conditions is an instinct, and it can’t be unlearned. It’s just a part of their DNA!

Huskies with cats getting along

Researching About Huskies with Cats

My husband and I were pretty disappointed about the high prey drive, but that didn’t stop us. We wanted to learn HOW we can make this work. We started to reach out to husky parents on Facebook, Instagram, and other husky forum groups, hoping to hear about their experience. I was surprised to find out that so many people have huskies and cats living with each other. After speaking to them and also speaking to husky rescue groups, I learned that it is possible to have cats and huskies co-exist. You have to make sure to raise a husky puppy with the cats. The husky puppy will grow up with the cats and treat them as part of his pack.

It’s not going to be an easy process, but it’s not impossible. It’s going to take time, and it will not happen overnight. The process and introductions can take MANY months and even years! Right now, Gatsby only wants to play with the cats. I am sure of this because of his body language – wagging tail and play bows to the cats. 

Husky and Cats

If you plan on getting a husky and have cats, here are some tips based on my experience:

Slow introductions

You must introduce your husky puppy to your cat VERY slowly. On the first day I brought Gatsby home, I had my cats and Gatsby smell and greeted each other between a baby gate. We also fed them between the baby gate where they could see each other. I also had Gatsby crated and allowed the cats to come around to smell him. Cats take a while to adapt to change, so we have to give them time to accept the new puppy. 

Physical exercise and mental stimulation

This step is critical. You MUST tire out your husky puppy first before you let them interact with your cat. Husky puppies have a ton of energy. It’s not going to be a good experience for your cat if your pup is acting crazy. Take your puppy out for a brisk walk, play fetch or tug of war, and even a quick training session will help get their mind stimulated and drained. 

Reward good behavior

Reward with a treat when your husky puppy walks past your cat. This way teaches your pup to think, “Hmm. Every time I ignore the cat, I will get a treat.” Make sure you also reward your husky puppy if you see them playing nice with your cat. Does your cat eat treats? Reward your cat with some healthy cat treats!

Supervise the interaction

I never let Gatsby and the cats interact with each other without us watching. My husband and I will always supervise their encounters. There are way too many horror stories about leaving the cat alone with the husky for just a few minutes.

Give attention to both your cat AND your husky puppy

While the husky puppy needs a lot of attention and will take up most of your time, make sure you give attention to your cat, too, because cats can get jealous quickly. If you give attention to your cat, your husky puppy will start to understand the cat is part of the pack. I noticed Gatsby started acting differently when I showed affection to the cats in front of him. He became much more gentle and now even likes to give Daphne a kiss. I can’t say that Daphne feels the same!

Feed your cat first 

Let your husky puppy know that your cat rules the household. Your cat was here first and is higher ranked in the pack. Over time, your husky puppy will come to realize that.

Have high places for cats to jump 

Cat trees and shelves are good to have so your cat can jump to safety when they feel threatened by your husky puppy. Your cat will feel more comfortable in high places where he can watch the world around and below them with greater confidence. We purchased cat shelves and mounted them on the walls around the apartment. Here is what we are using:

Cosy and Dozy – We have these in our bedroom and living room. The padding is thick, and the cover is removable for washing. It’s big enough for two cats, and they love to stare down from above to see what Gatsby is up to.

Catastrophic Creations – Here is another option. We have a few pieces of these in our living room.

Once your cat and husky puppy are getting along, don’t think that your husky will get along fine with other cats that are not in your household. The other cats are not part of the pack, and there is a possibility that your husky may kill them.

Best High Places For Cats to Jump Furniture

Be Patient While Your Cat and Husky Builds A Bond

I hope these tips I shared based on my experience can help you build a loving relationship between your cat and your husky puppy. Just remember that it will take time. It’s going to be difficult and frustrating in the beginning because you’re already overwhelmed with the new puppy. Still, with proper introductions, patience, and love, I believe that there is a good chance that huskies and cats can get along. It will just take a long time!

Want to see another husky and cat get along? Meet my favorite duo on Instagram. Greyson, and Skyla are the bestest of friends, and they live in Miami, FL with their mom Gabriela. These two are squad goals right here!

Want to learn more about training your husky? Read about my training tips to help you get through the Siberian Husky puppyhood stage!

I am not a veterinarian, canine/animal nutritionist, or dog trainer. I am a blogger. All information shared is based on my personal experience with my Siberian Husky and research about feeding, canine health, nutrition and training that I do for my dog. Please do not use content from this blog in place of veterinarian and pet behavioral care. 

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About Elaine

Hi! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger/content creator based in NYC, focused on luxury dog-friendly travel. Aside from sharing the best dog-friendly places to visit, I also share helpful fashion tips and wellness hacks, so you can look and feel your best while traveling with your pup.

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  1. 1.26.21
    Angie said:

    I love Siberian Huskies

  2. 1.26.21
    Angie said:

    I love Siberian Huskies

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