Healthy Pancakes To Share With Your Dog

Healthy Pancakes To Share With Your DogHealthy Pancakes To Share With Your Dog

Sharing my breakfast with Gatsby has become the norm. I love cooking for him and I always make sure there’s something we can share together. Ever see those puppy eyes looking right at you? He’s always giving me those looks. I want him to be a part of everything we do so he doesn’t feel left out. This past weekend, I made some healthy pancakes so we can share! I don’t make pancakes every day for Gatsby and it’s also not a meal replacement for him. This is just a healthy treat. I used rolled oats (no refined flour or wheat flour because wheat flour gives him allergies), bananas for natural sweetness, eggs, vanilla extract, and unsweetened almond milk. Here’s a recipe so you can make healthy pancakes to share with your dog.

Healthy Pancakes To Share With Your DogHealthy Pancakes To Share With Your Dog
All you need to make healthy pancakes for you and your dog



  • 1 1/2 cups of Unsweetened Almond Milk (or dairy-free milk alternative, no sugar added)
  • 2 ripe Bananas
  • 2 cups of Rolled Oats
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil

Toppings (optional):

  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Peanut or Almond Butter for dogs (must not contain Xylitol because it’s poisonous to dogs).
  • Plain yogurt (I prefer to use this over whipped cream)
  • Syrup (this is for humans only. Do not give this to your pup. I like to use agave syrup or maple syrup)



  1. Add all of the ingredients into the blender.
  2. Blend your ingredients until you have a thick, smooth mix. If your mix is too thick, just add more almond milk.
  3. Heat your skillet (or non-stick pan) on medium-high heat. Add in half tbsp of coconut oil until it gets hot (use the other half as you add in more pancake mix to your pan).
  4. Add your mix into the skillet making a few pancakes at a time
  5. Cook the pancakes until you see bubbles appear, then flip them.
  6. Cook until they are lightly browned and until the mixture is cooked through.
  7. After they are cooked through, place the pancakes on top of paper towels and pat the pancakes to remove excess coconut oil.
  8. Add your favorite toppings.
Healthy Pancakes To Share With Your DogHealthy Pancakes To Share With Your Dog
Healthy Pancakes To Share With Your DogHealthy Pancakes To Share With Your Dog

Will you use this recipe so you can make healthy pancakes to share with dog? Let me know if your pups enjoy the pancakes!

I am not a veterinarian, canine/animal nutritionist, or dog trainer. I am a blogger. All information shared is based on my personal experience with my Siberian Husky and research about feeding, canine health, nutrition, and training that I do for my dog.  Please do not use content from this blog in place of veterinarian, nutritional, and pet behavioral care. My recipes work for my Siberian Husky but each dog is different and you must take caution with introducing any new foods to your pup. 

About Elaine

Hi! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger/content creator based in NYC, focused on luxury dog-friendly travel. Aside from sharing the best dog-friendly places to visit, I also share helpful fashion tips and wellness hacks, so you can look and feel your best while traveling with your pup.

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  1. 3.20.22

    You can not feed raspberries to dogs ever. There toxic like chocolate is to canine’s

    • 3.21.22
      elin216 said:

      Hi Karen. We checked with our vet. Raspberries are OK to give to dogs.

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