What do you do when you find yourself in danger while walking your dog when it’s dark out, or even when you’re walking alone? Depending on the situation, you might not be able to defend yourself physically or call for help. Did you know that sexual assaults in NYC are up 322% compared to last year and anti-Asian hate crimes increased nearly 150% in 2020? I felt getting a personal safety alarm will make me feel safer when I’m walking Gatsby by myself.
So, I decided on the She’s Birdie personal safety alarm. This device has a pretty modern design and comes in 8 different colors, each with a solid brass keychain. You can clip it anywhere, like your jeans, keys, or bag. I currently have mine attached to the handle of Gatsby’s leash.

How to use the personal safety alarm
When I tested this alarm, it made me jump because I was surprised by how loud it was! I kept Gatsby with me when I tried the device. I wanted him to at least hear it once, so he wouldn’t freak out if I ever had to use it in the streets. Once you activate the alarm by pulling the removable top pin, it gives off a PIERCING alarm sound with flashing strobes to alert people around you that you’re in danger. I think it’s loud enough to disorient an attacker and hopefully allow you to run away and get to safety.
The alarm lasts up to 40 continual minutes. To stop the alarm, just replace the top pin into the body. You can use this alarm multiple times (I hope you never need to), and it’s operated with replaceable batteries.
It’s a good idea to keep a personal safety alarm with you while walking your pup. Or, you can also use it in situations like when you’re hiking on the trails with your girlfriends, walking to your car late at night, in an empty parking lot, during public transportation, and even while you are traveling.

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